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 Cultivating a Positive Mindset


How to Feel More Attractive

Eliminate negative self-talk. Do you find yourself being overly critical of every move you make? Replace critical thoughts with ones that reinforce a positive self-image. When you find yourself in the middle of a negative thought, stop the thought in its tracks. Don't think, for example, that your legs are fat and unattractive. Say to yourself instead, "I appreciate my strong, muscular legs."

Try placing a quarter in a jar every time you think something negative about yourself, and use the money to buy yourself something positive, like a pedicure, new book, or haircut.

Write down negative self talk in a journal. Beside each negative thought write at least one positive thing about yourself.

Avoid comparing yourself to others. Comparisons always leave you feeling down because you focus on the best things about someone else and the worst things about yourself, making you come out on bottom every time. You'll end up setting unrealistic standards for yourself. However, these comparisons are not reality, so don't let them seep into your mind. Instead, focus on what makes you unique and amazing.

Don't compare yourself to your friends, social media posts, or photos you see in the media. Rather than focus on others' highlight reels, celebrate your own instead.

Stay away from overly critical people. If you want to feel more attractive, then you shouldn't spend too much time with people who criticize others or themselves. For example, if your work colleague is constantly putting herself down or criticizing your appearance, try to find someone else to have lunch with. Eliminating sources of negativity can help boost your self-esteem.
Spend time with people that make you feel good about yourself. It is important to spend time with people who make you feel smart, attractive, and appreciated. Schedule time to hang out with friends, family members, or colleagues who make you feel good about yourself. If you feel happier and more attractive during or after hanging out with someone, try to make it a regular occurrence!